Family Journey To-date

  • First move for our Family was from District Lahore to Multan in 1879
    • Near Multan family moved to Tin Kassi, which was named Buta Singh Wala in Pakistan and it still exists

  • Partition of India resulted in displacement of Buta Singh Wala in 1947 to state of Punjab in India
    • During this displacement members of the Buta Singh Family were allotted lands in lieu of the lands left behind in Pakistan

  • As the family grew Buta Singh Wala met the same fate again over the years when members of the family dispersed again all over the world. To connect and to keep some interaction with family members, this site was created.

Meanwhile luckily one star continues to shine, living on through his umpteen literary creations, that is Sardar Narain Singh MA, Ex Manager Gurudawara Nankana Sahib and it’s estate.